Thursday, April 21, 2011

From the Mouths of Babes: the story of Easter.

Cannon is in a Lutheran Preschool 2 days a week and he loves it. He has learned so much and we are so proud of him. Well the other day he came home and was talking about Easter. He told me that "Easter is when Jesus died on the cross." I told him that was correct. He continued " Yep mommy Jesus died on the cross and there were people who threw rocks at him and that wasn't nice and then Jesus went to the big rock and it disappeared and Jesus went up to Kevin and then Kevin fixed him."
I tried to re-tell his story to him like this "Jesus died on the cross and then he was taken to a Tomb and the cave was covered by a large stone. When Mary Magdalene went to the tomb the stone had been moved and Jesus' body was gone. He had gone to HEAVEN (not Kevin) and lived eternally." Cannon told me that I was Wrong that Jesus went to KEVIN! silly kid.

I love that boy and the funny things he says.



  1. LOL Did you get to see Aydans video on my blog about his easter story?? I love how they tell it at a young age!! Aydan kept saying Jesus is the king of the Juice--LOL it is amazing how they hear things!!

  2. My 4 yr old came home with a similar recap! without the kevin part though! But he was very worried that Jesus had thorns on his head, and that people were mean to him.

  3. That is so hilarious! I've been following your old blog... didn't know you had this one. :)
